Sunday, September 4, 2011

The First of Many to Come

My first nomination for Village Idiot comes from a Letter to the Editor published in the Citrus County Chronicle from Mr. Mac Williams of Crystal River.  He writes:

Environmental agenda

Sunday, September 4, 2011 at 12:00 am (Updated: September 4, 12:03 am)

The USFWS Jacksonville office, run by Dave Hankla, is like a radical environmentalist’s “sleeper cell.” Their time-delay petard: Prohibit “using mooring and float lines that can entangle manatees.”
This will enable year-round “quotas” on the number of boats in King’s Bay — private or commercial. Nothing in Hankla’s proposal stops this once his refuge is expanded to all of King’s Bay. No more pesky public meetings and comments when they “ratchet down” this small rule.
“Ratchet down” is on the drawing boards at First, slow speed all the way to the Gulf, making it a two-hour trip. Aug. 22: PEER again threatened to sue, insisting Hankla didn’t go far enough (its first threat in March 2010 brought about Hankla’s folly). Once the refuge expansion is approved, PEER will get its, avoiding those pesky public hearings., Aug. 22: “Key manatee habitat, including the only access to and egress from the habitat (6 miles of The Crystal River) have no boat speed limits or other restrictions, leaving manatees vulnerable as they come and go from King’s Bay.” No more pesky Mel Tillis fishing tournament, and others, bringing in countless thousands of dollars to the local economy. “No problem,” says the sleeper cell: Their study reports it’s okay if it loses locals less than $100 million. (Citrus County’s Aug. 19 white paper slams this ludicrous ploy.)
Next, quotas: FWS reports it’s building docks along the canal, southwest of the Three Sisters Springs acreage. to the sleeper cell, Feb. 17: “PEER urges a quota system to reduce crowds.”
I’m reminded of the movie set in “Jurassic Park:” Electric fence, kayak-only paths full of environmentalists, no pesky motorized boats nor kids with masks and swim fins, Joan Baez singing “Kumbaya” over loudspeakers and sign reading “Dave Private Kayak Preserve.”
Your lying eyes will tell you, as required by the Endangered Species Act, King’s Bay/Crystal River has never been designated as “critical habitat essential to the conservation of the species” except during winter months — November to March.
Pesky facts!
Mac Williams
Crystal River

Dear Mr Mac,

The city of Crystal River called and said their village idiot is missing and wants you to come home.

Sincerely and with no due respect,

Agenda 21